There are two versions to this story about my heirloom hunting rifle holster. My story, and my Grandmother Bailey's story.
Part 1 of my story, begins with a trip home one summer to visit my family, from where I lived in Oregon. I took a quick trip down to visit my Grandmother Bailey in Lonoke, Arkansas. At the time, she was living in my great grandparents', Pappa George and Mamma Bailey's home. This beautiful home was built in 1933, a fancy architectural home for its time. I will show pictures of this home, but another time, and another story.
For some reason, my Grandmother and I were out in the garage going through things, and there happened to be a pile of "stuff" on the garage floor. One was an old rusty glider that used to be out on the arched front porch. I can just imagine the family talk, and business talk conducted that took place while gliding back and forth on hot southern evenings. Then I came across this old leather rifle holster. I noticed the silver studded initials HWB, and knew this had to have belonged to my great Uncle Harlan Willis Bailey. I think my Grandmother noticed I had that big curiosity look in my eyes when I picked it up admiring it. With the holster in my hands, I turned to face her and ask "Can I have this"? To which her reply was to say, " Oh now, you don't want that thing". My response to her was " Of course I do"! And then the look on her face and a little roll of the eyes, she knew I was going to take it.
I was planning to pack it up and take the holster back with me to Portland, Oregon, my Grandmother offered to have it framed for me as my "Museum Piece", as she called it, and include a brief family story to go with the "piece". After I traveled back to Oregon, a few months later the "museum piece" arrived. It has still remained with me all these years, as a conversation piece and a treasured family heirloom.
Part 2 of this story is shared by my Grandmother Bailey typed in her own words. It is the story inserted inside of the framed piece.
" The Bailey Family of Lonoke, Arkansas remember the men's annual hunts. Each Thanksgiving, George C. Bailey and his three sons, Glynn, Harlan, and Lloyd along with uncles
and cousins would leave home before dawn and go hunt wild ducks. The women prepared a bountiful meal of duck, dressing, giblet gravy, sweet potatoes, green beans, squash
casserole, pumpkin pie, biscuits and many relishes. The dining room, breakfast room, and some spilling over into the kitchen enjoyed the meal. This holster belonged to
Harlan Willis Bailey and was purchased in 1934. "
Everyone has a family story to share, always a memory to treasure, no matter where or what it comes from.
Laurie Walker
Photo Credit- Laurie L. Walker